Tuesday 24 March 2020


        Microsoft windows is the most popular operating system in the world. microsoft releases the first version of windows in 1983. Version 1.0 introduced the Graphical User Interface.
Windows XP, ("XP stands for eXPerience), was released on october 25,2001.
There are two editions of windows XP :
(a) Windows XP Professional :
                                                   It is designed for business desktop users. it enhances reliability,security,and performance of a desktop computer. it offers a fresh visual design, and advanced networking features. it contains wireless 802.1 support for mobile users.
(b) Windows XP Home Edition : 
                                                       It is designed for home based desktop users.If offers a clean, simplified visual design.Home edition offers enhancements as the Network Setup Wizard, Windows Media Player, Windows Movie Maker, and enhanced digital photo capabilities. 

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